Wymondham College has just celebrated its 50th Anniversary. In that time many students have passed through its classrooms and the school itself has undergone many changes. I spent seven full years there, between 1968 and 1975, firstly in Durham House and then moving to New Hall when the change was made to mixed boarding houses.
During my years at Wymondham I spend most of my time taveling from classroom to classroom around this maze of strange round-roofed black buildings. Every year we would hope for our timetable to provide our lessons in the A room in each block. These rooms where located off the main covered walkway. If we had the B, C or even the D room then we know there would be mud and rain. The only change to the buildings was that the rust got worse, the roofs leaked more and the drafts got stronger.
Now those Nissan huts have all gone, bar one, the Chapel left as a reminder of those times gone by. All that is left is the in memories of those hundred of students and staff who have passed through Wymondham College and the day students of the County Grammar School before it merged with the boarding school. Everyone had their moans and complaints about the school at the time. How many school kids do not? Looking back to those carefree days now I have a lot to be thankful to Wymondham College for.
This is my personal tribute to Wymondham College. A collection of some on my memories and relics from those days gone by. I hope you enjoy this collection and for those of you who are also former students I hope it brings back some happy memories for you too.
Two things before you move on down to the Contents List:
(1) Although this site is inspired by the Wymondham College Remembered web site the intention here is to detail some of my own recollections of Wymondham College. If you have anything you would like to contribute to the Wymondham College Remembered web site I encourage you to do so. Further growth of that site depends entirely upon your input! If you would like to contribute, please read this. There's a particular need for more 70s/80s/90s material.
(2) Check out the Fund Raiser; you can get CDs, books, videos and (now) mobile phone gizmos at an excellent discount AND contribute to the upkeep of the Wymondham College Association (WCA) at the same time.